Opportunities and challenges of digitalisation

Digitalisation offers more opportunities than risks to a high-tech country like Switzerland – though even successful companies should not rest on their laurels and become complacent.

Upcoming challenges for your organization and industry need to be addressed proactively and in a positive way.

Virtido Consulting is your partner from strategic planning throughout implementation. In an initial meeting we evaluate your situation jointly and define next steps. We look forward hearing from you!


Our Services

Center for Data Science & AI

  • Data is the new gold and powers everything we do
  • Our in-house Center for Data Science & AI consists of leading Data Science experts
  • We accompany our clients on their journey to strategically harness and monetize their data – from conceptual advice to technical implementation and daily operations

Business Review with focus on digitalisation

  • High-level analysis of the impact of digital trends on your business
  • Assessment of your level of digital maturity
  • How can you “digitally” optimize your company and processes?
  • We spend a day at your location and talk to a selection of employees to get to know your company
  • In-depth analysis with an external view on your company and answering the questions mentioned above
  • We will present you with consolidated insights, including prioritized recommendations

Capture trends related to the disruption of your current business model as future opportunity

  • Disruptive business models threatening established companies emerge globally. The past few years have proven that any industry can be affected
  • We work with a holistic approach and identify future opportunities and risks with respect to your business
  • Digital professionals, “out of the box” thinkers, strategists & creative employees of your company are brought together in a workgroup. New trends and developments, which could affect (both positively and adversely) your business model are captured in the workshop, discussed and analysed. 
  • We will review the gained insights in detail with you and derived a strategic direction as a basis for future discussions

The path to achieve your goals

  • Your future digital strategy will be divided into projects, jointly prioritized and put on a timeline to generate your digitalisation roadmap
  • We work along the value chain and clarify with you, where action is needed, and which topics should be addressed as a priority

Implementation of your digitalisation roadmap

  • We’re not only talking about concepts, we can take over the entire implementation with our own IT teams – from planning through project management to technical implementation of software projects
  • Our Nearshore platform allows you a cost-efficient execution.
  • We would be glad to advise you on the development and transfer of knowledge in digital competencies
  • You will as well have the possibility to set up your own dedicated nearshore IT team

Leverage external knowledge and transfer it in-house

  • We are happy to accompany you over a long period of time as a sparring partner for strategic questions around the topic of digitalisation 

Data Science

Data Science

Center for Data Science & AI

  • Data is the new gold and powers everything we do
  • Our in-house Center for Data Science & AI consists of leading Data Science experts
  • We accompany our clients on their journey to strategically harness and monetize their data – from conceptual advice to technical implementation and daily operations

Business Review

Business Review with focus on digitalisation

  • High-level analysis of the impact of digital trends on your business
  • Assessment of your level of digital maturity
  • How can you “digitally” optimize your company and processes?
  • We spend a day at your location and talk to a selection of employees to get to know your company
  • In-depth analysis with an external view on your company and answering the questions mentioned above
  • We will present you with consolidated insights, including prioritized recommendations

Digital Strategy

Capture trends related to the disruption of your current business model as future opportunity

  • Disruptive business models threatening established companies emerge globally. The past few years have proven that any industry can be affected
  • We work with a holistic approach and identify future opportunities and risks with respect to your business
  • Digital professionals, “out of the box” thinkers, strategists & creative employees of your company are brought together in a workgroup. New trends and developments, which could affect (both positively and adversely) your business model are captured in the workshop, discussed and analysed. 
  • We will review the gained insights in detail with you and derived a strategic direction as a basis for future discussions

Digitalisation Roadmap

The path to achieve your goals

  • Your future digital strategy will be divided into projects, jointly prioritized and put on a timeline to generate your digitalisation roadmap
  • We work along the value chain and clarify with you, where action is needed, and which topics should be addressed as a priority

End-to-end Implementation

Implementation of your digitalisation roadmap

  • We’re not only talking about concepts, we can take over the entire implementation with our own IT teams – from planning through project management to technical implementation of software projects
  • Our Nearshore platform allows you a cost-efficient execution.
  • We would be glad to advise you on the development and transfer of knowledge in digital competencies
  • You will as well have the possibility to set up your own dedicated nearshore IT team

Digitalisation Coaching

Leverage external knowledge and transfer it in-house

  • We are happy to accompany you over a long period of time as a sparring partner for strategic questions around the topic of digitalisation 

Holistic Methodology

How digitalisation affects businesses.

Customer experience

Marketing & Sales

Logistics & Supply Chain

Operations, incl. processes





Datenbasis & Auswertung («Big Data»)

Vernetzung & Austausch

Evolution der Geschäfts-modelle



Customer experience

B2B and B2C companies in all sectors are forced to re-evaluate their distribution channels. Requirements for the sales process are increasing – “best practice” becomes the industry standards in no time. Poor or too complex user experience can lead to a loss of customers. Efficient usage of new technologies helps to stand out from the crowd and generate real added value for your customers


  • Seamless multi-channel experience
  • Customized and individual services
  • “Self-service” – focusing on customer interaction
  • New adapted products that meet the expectations of the ‘digital customer’
Digital Marketing and alternative sales patterns

Marketing has changed fundamentally in recent years. Target groups can be segmented in a more granular way and addressed individually. Technological developments and trends are fast and marketing professionals must choose from a large range of tools, strategies and approaches


  • Strategic Marketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Website Marketing
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Analytics and Monitoring
  • Search engine and display advertising
  • Social Media Marketing
  • E-Mail und Newsletter Marketing
  • Affiliate and Performance Marketing
  • Programmatic Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Account Based Marketing
Real-time information and integrated processes between suppliers & distributors

Digitalisation affects logistics processes from beginning to end along the value chain. From partially and fully automated logistic centres to delivery by robots or drones – processes are radically evolving. At the same time, the need and demand of customers for even faster deliveries are increasing

Achieve more through digitalisation

Usage of new technologies can make business processes more efficient and effective. Added value can be increased from procurement to customer service


  • Industry 4.0
  • Paperless office
  • Self-service instead of access via specialists
Digitalisation requires transformation of the organisation

Digital technologies have proven to increase efficiency, productivity and value. However, this only applies if organisational structures allow and strengthen the use of this potential. Existing structures must be assessed for compatibility with the digitalisation strategy


  • Agile organisation
  • Adaptation and streamlining of processes as a prerequisite for digitalisation

New processes and business models are challenging for companies and employees. New job profiles emerge and lead to a change or disappearance of existing professions. Digital competencies of employees are fundamental for future success

Opportunities through digitalisation for HR: reduction of administration, focus on recruitment of the right employees, promotion of agile working models for rapid transformation and increase of digital literacy


  • Reduction of administration
  • Focus on hiring the right people
  • Promotion of agile working models for rapid transformation and increase of digital literacy
Management & control


  • Real time Management Information
  • Data Mining
  • Digitalisation of monitoring processes
New or adapted digital products and services

We are in an age of fundamental structural change. Entirely new economic sectors and products emerge while at the same time existing ones disappear. Fast product innovation cycles become a vital competitive advantage

Our Experts

Pius Haas

Executive Director

Jean-Luc Zehnder

Co-founder of Virtido

Dr. Daniel Hasler

Co-founder of Virtido


In touch with the latest trends

Experienced Strategy and Management Consultants.

Entrepreneurial & digital DNA through own, fast growing IT company with over 100 employees.

Competence in customer-oriented sales processes (in-house online / content marketing expertise) as well as internal processes.

We are in touch with the latest trends – our clients include many dynamic IT start-ups.



Our Clients

Stöckli Medical

Stöckli Medical

Application Development
Development of Medtech mobile App (concept, design and development)

"Virtido supported us very professionally in the conceptual development of our own MedTech App. The combined technical, conceptual and strategic experience of Virtido has really convinced us."
Maurus Stöckli | CEO Stöckli Medical


"Virtido Consulting has accompanied us strategically throughout the entire process, from the formulation of the idea to the optimal design and commercialization, and has prepared the way for a successful implementation of MedPhoto"
PD Dr. med. Frédéric Birkhäuser / PD Dr. med. Pascal Zehnder | Founders MedPhoto


"Virtido Consulting strategically supported DeguVino in the process of conception, planning and development via its nearshore platform. Together with DeguVino, an MVP for market entry was defined and developed for consumers. Furthermore, Virtido Consulting is a sparring partner who can challenge and commercially strengthen me."
Chantal Stalder | Founder DeguVino
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